Messy Church

Welcome to Messy Church!

What is it? Well, Messy Church is a way of being in Church for families that is found all across the world.

Tell me more. Messy Church is for adults and children and involves creativity, celebration and a sharing a meal together. 

Sounds good - when will it be on? Messy Church is held on the first Sunday of the month following our 10.30am service 

Can I just turn up? This time around we need to know who is coming so we can cook enough food (yes - you will be getting a meal too!) so please email Lis here and let her know your name, and who will be bringing you. 

For more information, please visit the Messy Church website and watch the video!

Messy Church Harvest - Sunday 3rd

Join us on Sunday September 3rd for our Messy Church Harvest. We will be collecting donations for our local food banks - see the list below of what is required. Your gifts can be left in the Church anytime during the week leading up to the Harvest Festival or bring along to the services at 8am and 10.30am. At 12.15pm we will be having a shared lunch in the Church Hall.

The food banks are looking for the following donations:

Whitehawk Food Bank

Tinned peas, tinned meat curry, tinned new potatoes, tinned veg, tinned spaghetti, white Carbonara sauce, fruit juice cartons, UHT milk, basic toiletries.

Saltdean Food Bank

Pasta, pasta sauces, cans of tuna fish, biscuits (a luxury in the food bank world), rice pudding (also a luxury in the food bank world), jam, breakfast cereal, UHT milk.

Church Hall

Are you looking for a venue for a birthday party, wedding or special event? Perhaps you run a keep fit class or are just looking for a local venue for regular hire. Our hall is available for bookings and more details can be found on availability and cost via the button below. 


Hall Hire

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