Safeguarding at St Nicholas

Safeguarding at St Nicholas

The PCC of Saint Nicholas’ has adopted the various national Church of England safeguarding policies and practice guidance documents. These principles are summarised in our Safeguarding Policy Statement, see link. 

The Clergy, Officers and PCC of St Nicholas are committed to good safeguarding practices and the safety and well-being of all those in our community.

If you wish to speak to someone regarding a safeguarding concern, or would like to have more information, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding team:  Tel: 01273 425792, or email the Diocesan Adviser at:

Your contact for any safeguarding issues at St Nicholas is:

Sue Taylor
Telephone: 07813 557430
Email address:

Church Hall

Are you looking for a venue for a birthday party, wedding or special event? Perhaps you run a keep fit class or are just looking for a local venue for regular hire. Our hall is available for bookings and more details can be found on availability and cost via the button below. 


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